Andrea Izard - V287 Photo Set 1
in this swimsuit collection of photos, Andrea hits the shots in her posing bikini and a leotard (both thongs) the day after the '96 Jan Tana show. She is not massive compared to many of the women at the pro level, and her muscularity is almost delicate. But don't let that fool you -- every body part is muscled and defined; and her biceps, back and large calves are most impressive. Additionally, Andrea's beautiful traditional looks helps top off that fantastic combination of physique and facial beauty. She is not massive compared to many of the women at the pro level, and her muscularity is almost delicate. But don't let that fool you -- every body part is muscled and defined; and her biceps, back and large calves are most impressive. We were so impressed with not only Donna's advanced physique package, but her incredible facial beauty as well, that we made her our WPW Magazine coverwoman on the Nov/Dec 1996 issue.
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